Director Economic

KapitalHR recruteaza pentru unul din clientii sai activi in industria utilitatilor si echipamentelor de automatizare, o persoana care sa ocupe pozitia de Director Economic


  • Conduce si organizeaza activitatea Directiei economice;
  • Stabileste proceduri de implementare a politicii economico-financiare a firmei
  • Consiliaza personalul cu functii de conducere in privinta modului de aplicare a politicii economico-financiare a companiei si urmareste respectarea acesteia la toate nivelurile ierarhice
  • Urmareste respectarea legislatiei fiscale la nivel de companie
  • Exercita controlul  preventiv privind legalitatea operatiunilor financiar-contabile
  • Realizeaza proiectul de buget anual si semestrial, defalcat pe departamente;  
  • Verifica executia proiectului de buget defalcat pe fiecare departament in parte si solicita propuneri de corectii in limita competentei incredintate
  • Ofera sprijin diviziilor, directiilor, departamentelor companiei in analiza indicatorilor bugetari proprii
  • Asigura resursele necesare mentinerii capacitatii de plata a companiei
  • Asigura resursele pentru plata la termen a obligatiilor financiare ale companiei fata de bugetul de stat
  • Asigura resursele pentru desfasurarea ritmica a operatiunilor de decontare cu furnizorii si beneficiarii companiei
  • Intocmeste situatii pentru auditul financiar-contabil si pentru organismele de control
  • Urmareste respectarea regulilor de intocmire a bilantului contabil
  • Impune masuri de pastrare corespunzatoare a registrelor si bilanturilor contabile, a documentelor justficative
  • Organizeaza inventarierea patrimoniului
  • Monitorizeaza intocmirea documentelor justificative privind operatiile patrimoniale
  • Desfasoara activitate continua de documentare in probleme economico-financiare
  • Intocmeste rapoarte financiare lunare/trimestriale/anuale destinate echipelor de vanzari(analiza CA,marja,costuri);
  • Intocmeste lunar si prezinta directorului general rapoarte  cuprinzand situatia financiara a companiei(CPP centralizat si pe fiecare divizie in parte, cash flow, restantieri, furnizori de plata,Working capital,rotatia stocurilor,calculezaa diferiti indicatori ec-fin…);
  • Intocmeste rapoarte pentru organele si organismele administratiei financiare si de control, bancare, statistice:

Candidatul ideal

  • Studii economice de specialitate
  • Minim 5 ani de experienta intr-o pozitie similara
Finance Manager

For one of our clients, the first cluster specialized in the utilities and automation equipment industry in Romania, with an experience of over 25 years, we are looking for an experienced Finance Manager / Controller.

Desired profile:

  • Proven working experience as a Financial Controller.
  • 10+ years of overall combined accounting and finance experience.
  • Advanced degree in accounting.
  • CPA preferred.
  • Thorough knowledge of accounting principles and procedures.
  • Experience with creating financial statements.
  • Experience with general ledger functions and the month-end/year end close process.
  • Excellent accounting software user and administration skills.


Finance Manager/ Controller

Role description

The Financial Controller will play an important role in managing the finance function and providing a best-in-class service to the management team, board, and shareholders. He/she will establish and maintain strong core financial processes, controls, and disciplines, ensuring the company adheres to accounting, regulatory and local authority requirements always. They ensure effective management control of company’s finances via the efficient use of appropriate financial systems and processes, use of financial information and associated performance indicators. They provide professional advice and regular and ad hoc reports on the financial performance of the company. 

Key responsibilities

  • With support from the outsourced provider lead the production of the company’s management accounts, regulatory accounts, government financial returns and the identification and reporting of tax obligations.
  • Maintain best in class accounting practices and financial disciplines and controls.
  • Lead the development of financial reporting, control framework and policies.
  • Monitor compliance and work with the business to improve.
  • Maintain and develop systems of reporting that provide the management team with accurate and timely information on the financial performance of the company and financial modelling required to support cash management and corporate planning.  Develop the analytical capability with the organisation to understand drivers of financial performance and actions to initiate improvements.
  • Lead cost saving/efficiency projects alongside the management team and ensure systems and processes throughout the organisation are best in class.
  • Support the ambitious growth plans by close working with the sales and management team and via ownership of the associated financial models and data.
  • Manage and monitor the external accounting services provider in line with agreed SLAs.
  • Regular interaction with advisors, tax and audit service providers and authorities.
  • Preparing and publishing timely monthly financial statements.
  • Creating monthly and annual reports to identify results, trends, and financial forecasts.
  • Develop the annual budget and quarterly forecasts in close collaboration with sales managers.
  • Produce dashboards, analyse, and consolidate the results to facilitate decision-making.
  • Support sales teams: participate in calls for tenders, analyze risks
  • Punctual monitoring of projects / Development of business plans / monitoring of the profitability of investments
  • Provide leadership and direction to their direct reports. Manage a professional, technically proficient, proactive, and motivated finance team.

Skills and qualifications

  • Proven working experience as a Financial Controller.
  • 10+ years of overall combined accounting and finance experience.
  • Advanced degree in accounting.
  • CPA preferred.
  • Thorough knowledge of accounting principles and procedures.
  • Experience with creating financial statements.
  • Experience with general ledger functions and the month-end/year end close process.
  • Excellent accounting software user and administration skills.
Operations Manager

For one of our clients, the first cluster specialized in the utilities and automation equipment industry in Romania, with an experience of over 25 years, we are looking for a dynamic Operations Manager.


  • The Operations Manager will support leadership and strategic vision to the organization
  • He/She will bring operational, managerial and administrative procedures, reporting structures and operation controls to the company
  • He/She will support implementation of the business plan, working closely with the CFO, CEO and other key executive team members
  • He/She will partner with the CFO to achieve favorable financial results with respect to sales, profitability, cash flow, systems, reporting and controls
  • He/She will provide accurate and timely reports outlining the operational condition of the company
  • The Operations Manager will work closely with senior management team to create, implement and roll out plans for operational processes, internal infrastructures, reporting systems and company policies

Candidate profile:

  • Bachelor’s degree in business or related field
  • Minimum 5 years operational experience required
  • Strong management presence, business acumen and presentation skills
  • Budgeting and/or financial focused mindset