HR Admin – Pipera Voluntari

Kapital HR cauta pentru unul dintre clientii sai, o scoala privata internationala situata in zona Pipera – Voluntari, o persoana care sa ocupe pozitia de HR Admin.

Principalele responsabilitati:

Intocmirea documentelor necesare angajarii (contracte, fise personale, fise medicale, documente somaj daca este cazul, etc);

Intocmirea documentelor necesare desfacerii contractului de munca (cereri, dispozitii, fise de lichidare etc.);

Inregistrarea contractelor de munca sau a documentelor doveditoare desfacerii acestora;

Inregistrarea datelor actualizate in carnetele de munca, modificarea aspectelor renegociate;

Gestionarea si arhivarea dosarelor de personal etc.

Gestionarea fluxului de documente cerute prin lege;

Gestionarea relatiei/comunicarii cu angajatii pe probleme specifice;

Elaborează şi redactează documentele şi situaţiile cerute de management;


Studii superioare finalizate;

Cunoştinţe avansate de limbă engleză scris şi vorbit (cunoasterea limbii ruse poate constitui un avantaj);

Cunoştinţe operare PC (Pachet Office);

Cunoaşterea prevederilor Codului muncii in vigoare si a altor legi referitoare la relatiile de munca;

Capacitate foarte bună de comunicare şi relaţionare;

Capacitate de organizare a timpului, sarcinilor şi locului de muncă;

Capacitate de a respecta termene limită;

Atenţie către detalii;



Kapital HR is looking for one of it’s clients, an international private school located in Pipera-Bucharest, a charismatic person, well organised, fluent in English and proactive, a person to occupy the role of CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP OFFICER.

Main Responsibilities:

– Operates the PC, handles email requests, answers and directs phones, provides information and directions, receives and forwards messages and correspondence.

– Completes various clerical tasks assigned by the direct manager, ensures that the seating area is clean, organized, has a correct temperature, adequate lighting and free of any delivery boxes and unwanted clutter. Reports any maintenance issues to the respective department and follow up upon completion.

– Communicates with other Department of tour awaiting customers.
– Must possess multi-tasking skills with constant interruptions. Must be flexible for overtime and flexible shifts.

– Cultivates strong client relationships, ensuring client satisfaction.

– Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the languages used in the workplace – Romanian & English – advanced level. Any other language is a plus.

– Ability to prepare and analyse data, figures and transcriptions prepared on and generated by computer, including, but not limited to, accounting programs, Microsoft Word and Excel, or any other work-related company software.

– Customer service, problem-solving, safety and security, initiative, professionalism, planning/organizing.

Ensure safeguarding is applied and upheld in line with the company standards and policy

You can sens us your resume on the email address:

Customer Relationship – Front Office

Kapital HR is looking, for one of it’s clients, a charismatic person with fluent English for the position of Customer Relationship Officer.


Major responsabilities:

– Operates the PC, handles email requests, answers and directs phones, provides information and directions, receives and forwards messages and correspondence.
– Completes various clerical tasks assigned by the direct manager, ensures that the reception, seating area is clean, organized, has a correct temperature, adequate lighting and free of any delivery boxes and unwanted clutter. Reports any maintenance issues to the respective department and follow up upon completion.
– Communicates with other Department of tour awaiting customers.
– Must possess multi-tasking skills with constant interruptions. Must be flexible for overtime and flexible shifts.
– Cultivates strong client relationships, ensuring client satisfaction.
– Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the languages used in the workplace – Romanian & English – advanced level. Any other language is a plus.
– Ability to prepare and analyse data, figures and transcriptions prepared on and generated by computer, including, but not limited to, accounting programs, Microsoft Word and Excel, or any other work-related company software.
– Customer service, problem-solving, safety and security, initiative, professionalism, planning/organizing.